We offer a range of physiotherapy and rehabiliation solutions through our virtual health programme.
Our virtual physiotherapy sessions follow the same SPARC system we use for treating elite athletes and our entire patient population in clinic - all from your own home!
We treat a wide range of conditions in our web based consultations, all undertaken with specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapists.
All our unique SPARC treatment systems are fully evidenced based to get maximal results for patients and athletes.
Select your service below and we will get you back to the things you love!
Please Note: If you are unable to book in with your chosen clinician in a given week, that all SPARC chartered physiotherapists treat injuries in a consistent manner. You may find that you will be able to book in with one of our other physiotherapists more quickly.
We reserve the right to refuse bookings, should initial appointments be cancelled/missed on two occasions.
If for some reason, booking online does not appear to work for you, you can also book using this link: