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Back injuries and persistent lower back pain can be debilitating and frightening. In the past, back pain was often treated with periods of prolonged rest and avoidance of activity. It is now well understood, however, that this leads to decreased function and increased pain in the long term, and that an evidence based, specific rehabilitation program produces much more positive results.

We often get asked in our Greystones physio clinic, Ive slipped a disc, will slipped disc pain go away? Or what are slipped disc pain symptoms. What is the treatment for slipped discs or do I need surgery for a slipped disc?

It is similar for lower back pain where questions range from simple questions like ‘why do i have back pain lower right side? to others like ‘ Ive had lower back pain all my life, is this back pain ever going away??’ Often these people come through the door and thankfully we can help them too.

The most important thing to know is that this can be solved in the vast vast majority of cases. Even those we can not help (<10%) we will know where to direct you to ensure your issue gets sorted. We are seeing so many backs like your’s in our Greystones physiotherapy clinic, to know that you can get a result from your pain and get back to what you love.

All of our physios are trained with specific and consistent SPARC methods for delivering back pain relief. The next thing to do is to book your appointment to take your first steps on your road to recovery.
