1. Listen to Your Body: Pregnancy affects everyone differently, so always tune in to how you’re feeling. Adjust exercises to suit your comfort level, and avoid pushing yourself too hard. Rest when needed, and prioritize movements that feel good and safe for your body.

  2. Focus on Posture and Alignment: As your body changes, maintaining good posture is essential to avoid discomfort. Pay attention to alignment in every exercise, especially in your spine, hips, and shoulders, to support your growing belly and prevent back pain.

  3. Strengthen Your Core and Pelvic Floor: Gentle core and pelvic floor exercises are crucial during pregnancy to help support your body as it changes and to prepare for childbirth. Focus on engaging your deep core muscles and maintaining pelvic floor strength to reduce the risk of complications.

  4. Stay Hydrated and Take Breaks: Pregnancy increases your body’s need for hydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your FitBumps sessions. Don’t hesitate to take breaks to rest and catch your breath as needed.

  5. Keep It Safe and Steady: Avoid high-impact or overly intense exercises, and focus on low-impact, controlled movements that support your pregnancy. Our CORU-registered Chartered Physiotherapists will guide you through exercises that are safe for every stage of pregnancy, ensuring you and your baby stay healthy and active.
